School Uniform
School uniform
This may consist of the following for children in Reception to Year 6
• A bottle green V neck jumper / cardigan with school logo
• Grey trousers / grey skirt / grey shorts (in a woven fabric - no leggings or pinafore dresses)
• A plain white polo shirt
• Green/white check summer dress (not stripes)-summer dresses are not to be worn with leggings
• Grey tights (no black tights) / grey or white socks
• Plain white headscarf for religious reasons
• Black shoes - (no trainers, no boots long or short, no flashing lights)
Nursery Uniform
A bottle green sweatshirt with school logo
A white polo shirt
Light grey jogging bottoms
Velcro trainers (any colour)
Grey or white socks
Plain white headscarf for religious reasons
Please ensure your child has a named (weather appropriate) coat with them every day.
We ask that the Nursery children use a book bag with the school logo once they start to
bring books home to read.
We have 4 different colours to choose from which can be purchased
from the main office, priced at £4.50.
A word about shoes
Please ensure that your children wear sensible shoes to school. Children are very active during the day both inside the school and in the playground. Their shoes need to be comfortable and safe. “Strappy” sandals are likely to cause trips and falls and boots are not allowed - in extreme weather children will be allowed to wear boots/wellingtons for their journey into school and then change into school shoes.
Jewellery and Hair Accessories
For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery. The only exceptions are stud earrings and small items of religious significance. See below for advice on jewellery during PE. Please do not send your child to school with fancy headbands or clips - they are not part of school uniform. Please save these for weekends, weddings and parties! Plain black or green hair ties, headbands and flat clips are acceptable.
Make Up
Make up including nail varnish is not allowed in school. If your child is wearing nail varnish they will be asked to remove it for the next day. If this is not done then the child will be supplied with nail varnish remover and cotton wool and asked to remove it.
Practical work
Please supply your child with a long sleeved overall for art, design and technology work.
PE Kit
All items of uniform and equipment must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children will wear their PE kit to school all day on their allocated P.E. Day. Your child's class teacher will inform you when P.E .is scheduled.
PE kit consists of
- a green sweatshirt with school logo (available from Angels) These sweatshirts should be worn for PE only.
- black jogging trousers,
- black shorts,
- a house-coloured T-shirt
- black logo-free trainers. (not plimsolls)
Black Short | ![]() | House Colour T-shirt |
Black jogging bottoms | Green school logo P.E. sweatshirt |
Should your child need to wear jewellery for religious purposes please provide tape or micropore tape to cover the jewellery during the P.E. lesson so that it doesn’t present a hazard to your child or others working alongside them. Your child’s named supply of tape will be kept in the classroom.
Black plimsolls are no longer required, however all Reception to Year 6 pupils will need a pair of plain black, logo-free trainers.
Children in Year 3,4,5 & 6 take part in invasion games during P.E & Sports Clubs.
Although these games are supervised, and adapted to suit primary school children, we recommend that parents purchase a gum shield and/or shin pads for the following sports:
- Hockey Quicksticks (Gum shield & shin pads)
- Tag Rugby (Gum shield)
- Football (Shin pads)
School bag/Rucksack (Years 3 to 6)
These should be plain black, without a logo and labelled with your child's name inside. See this example:
Book bag
Pupils in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will require a book bag in their House colour. These are £4.50 and can be
purchased from the School office.
Pencil case
These may be any plain colour. Please write your child's name inside. They should not contain a logo or be fluffy, patterned or sequinned. See this example:
Please ensure that all articles of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child's name and have loops for hanging on pegs where appropriate e.g. coats, cardigans. Uniform can be obtained from any major chain store and several local shops including Kevins in Pinner and Angels in Rayners Lane. From time to time "nearly new" items of school uniform are donated by parents. These are available for sale in the school. (Details of these dates appear in the newsletters)
Please see our Uniform Policy for further information.