Gymnastics Club Year 3 - 6
Day: Friday A.M
Time 8.00a.m - 8.40a.m
Meet Lower School Hall
New dates:
17/24/31 Jan
7/14/28 Feb
7/14/21/28 Mar
Cost: £55
Gymnastics Club is a fun new Club that offers Year 3-6 children the chance to develop and progress their gymnastic skills.
Each week children develop their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through a series of fun exercises and drills. Children will compare their performance and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Core skills include:
*Travelling - Running, hopping & rolling
*Jumping & landing with control
*Vaults – with springboard and vault or other suitable raised platform, e.g. gymnastics table
*Cartwheels and round-offs.
*Linking Actions
*Rhythmic Gymnastics performing with ribbons and balls
Trophies are awarded each week for effort!
What to bring:
*Participants should wear shorts or track bottoms and a t-shirt
*A drink
*Trainers or daps
Gymnastics will take place in the assembly hall.
Medical needs
Children with medical needs such as asthma, or severe allergies that require an epi-pen must provide the club with a bag of medication to keep at the club for the duration of the booking. Failure to provide this may result in your child not being allowed to attend.
This club is managed by Impact Activity Clubs directed by Mr Godley. Please click link below for further information:
Who are Impact Activity Clubs Ltd? / FAQs
Gymnastics Club Year 3-6 Photos