Start/End of Day
At the start of the school day:
At Longfield we operate a "Soft Start" approach. From 8:30 staff will be in the playground and children may enter the school building. Parents and carers will not be able to enter the school site. Please drop off your child at any playground unless your child is in Reception, in which case please drop them off at the front playground.
Gates will be closed at 8:40am. Any child arriving after this needs to go to the school office and will be marked late. Registers will be taken at 8:40am.
At the end of the school day:
Year group | Pick up time | Pick up place |
Morning Nursery | 11:30am | Nursery Playground |
Afternoon & All Day Nursery | 3:30pm | Nursery Playground |
Reception | 3:10pm | Front Playground |
Year 1 | 3:10 pm | Front Playground |
Year 2 | 3:20pm | Front Playground |
Year 3 | 3:20pm | Front Playground |
Year 4 | 3:20pm | MUGA |
Year 5 | 3:25pm | MUGA |
Year 6 | 3:30pm | MUGA |
Please note: Siblings that are in year 2, 3 or 4 can be picked up at the same time from the Front Playground, all others will need to adhere to the given time slots and locations
Expectations for Parents & Carers
- Parents will not be able to enter the site for morning drop off.
- At pick up time parents must only enter the school site at their designated time.
- Parents are asked to leave the site as soon as they have collected their child. It will not be possible to speak to school staff at this time.
- It is essential that parents are on time and any parent or carer who is late will have to wait until the next year group has been picked up before collecting their child.
- There will be no access through the school site.
If another adult is to collect your child either temporarily or permanently, please send a note to the teacher. If for any reason you are unavoidably delayed please contact the school and arrange for someone else to collect the child. We cannot guarantee that staff will be able to supervise children after 3:30 pm. Please ensure that emergency telephone numbers and contact names for your child are up to date at all times.
If you need to collect your child from school during the day for an appointment please contact the main office and ask the office staff.