Lower Key Stage 2 - Years 3 & 4 Homework Overview
Year 3 Weekly homework:
- Your child must read every day. This can be using shelf books, library books or books from home.
- Make comment about the books every time you read. Suggested questions can be found in pupil’s planners.)
- Library books and reading books will be changed weekly (children may request to change their books earlier, should they finish reading a book early).
Please return reading books and book bags daily, as children read every day in class.
- Spellings – study for weekly test. There may also be a short literacy task connected to assist pupils in learning spellings.
- Multiplication/Division – revise weekly for tests (2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x, 11x.) In addition, children may be tested on other math skills that they are required to know.
Other home learning tasks to be carried out during the year:
- Join a Library and explore a variety of fiction and non-fiction books discussing the different features.
- Visit Museums to learn and further develop their understanding of history and science topics. Use books and websites to find follow up information.
- Visit Stonehenge. Use the internet to carry out further research. (BBC Bitesize – www.bbc.co.uk)
- Do cooking and baking at home. Allow children to measure using different measurements and write recounts and instructions and create their own recipes.
- Visit local shops and allow children to find correct money to pay with and to calculate change. Encourage children to find out the difference between prices- counting on and back mentally.
- Observe their environments and research plant life, light, rocks etc. Look for additional information in a range of texts.
- Do some form of exercise with your child such as cycling, skipping, jogging or play sports supporting your child to consider and follow the rules of the game.
- Retell stories they read at home and change parts of it to rewrite their own version of stories using grammar rules and punctuation (don’t forget conjunctions, adjectives, verbs, etc.
- Read texts from real life sources such as newspaper articles, leaflets and non-fiction books.
- Practice your child’s spellings and challenge them to use the words in sentences. Find synonyms and antonyms for each word. Write an acrostic poem with some of the spelling words.
- Create Maths stories about key Maths concepts, like number bonds to 10/20/100 in order for your child to remember the maths more easily.
- Create math stories and problem solve with pizza or other items to practise fractions.
- Help your child to learn to learn to tell the time. (analogue and digital)
Year 4 Weekly homework:
- Learning spelling list.
- Learning times tables/ arithmetic skills that have been set for that week.
- Read every day.
- Answering 3-4 questions about what they have read using the questions provided in their planner.
Other home learning tasks to be carried out during the year:
- Join a Library and explore a range of texts by your child’s favourite author.
- Collect materials that can be used for a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) project.
- Visit museums. Encourage your child to carry out independent research on a topic of interest.
- Read a range of reading materials: newspapers, stories, poems, plays, information texts.
- Use the spelling words that they have been given in oral and written sentences.
- Give your child a new word of the day or a word of the week. Encourage them to use it in a sentence at least 3 times so they are more likely to remember it.
- Give your child 3 minutes to write as many alternatives to boring words as they can e.g. big, small, said, went, nice. Challenge them to beat their score next time.
- Alphabet game- children must name something to do with what they are writing about for each letter of the alphabet e.g. a story set in a forest. What might you see/ hear/feel? - Animals, Bark, Crunching leaves, Deer, Eerie silence.
- Perhaps… Use an image as a creative writing prompt. Children write as many sentences beginning with “perhaps…” as they can. Then use these ideas to create a story.
- Remove punctuation/ verbs/ pronouns from an extract and get children to add their own, ensuring that the extract makes sense.
- Create a character description for their favourite character from a film, game or book.
- Get your child to perform a poem – Michael Rosen poems are particularly good for this, or they could write their own and add actions.
- Play memory games with the times tables e.g. I went to the shop and bought 2 cars, 4 TVs, 6 games.
- Get children to read you the time from analogue and digital clocks. Challenge them with questions such as what time will it be in 30 minutes? What time was it 45 minutes ago?
- Discuss temperature changes to develop an understanding of negative numbers.
- Ask your child to help you calculate discounts when shopping.
- Practice times tables while playing catch.
- Challenge your child using the worksheets on Times table rock stars.
- Work on puzzles together to build reasoning and resilience.
- Get your child to create a survey and present the data they find. What does this information tell us?
- Ask your child word problems so that they become more familiar with maths vocabulary.