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Primary School

learning together, achieving forever

Assessment overview

Assessment overview

Teachers carry out assessments of the children as part of every day teaching and at the end of a unit of work to check learning. Both types of assessment help teachers to plan the next steps and they also help the teacher to monitor children’s progress and provide reports for parents and carers. Verbal reports will be given at parent/teacher consultation evenings which are held once a term. There will also be an annual written report towards the end of each school year. 


On entry to Reception pupils will now take part in a Baseline Assessment to assess skills in all areas.  Foundation Stage 1 and 2 (Nursery and Reception) staff record children's progress using the Foundation Stage Profile. Teachers and Teaching Assistants observe and assess children whilst they are engaging in a variety of activities. The assessments cover all the areas taught in the Foundation Stage including the child’s emotional and social adjustment to school. The staff use the information they gather to plan appropriate work for all the children in their care. A copy is given to the parents at the end of the school year, and termly updates are sent out.


Pupils in Year 1 will undertake a national phonics assessment in June and the results will be shared with Parents/Carers at the end of the year.


As well as ongoing assessments in all subjects, the children are tested termly, in all years during assessment weeks to see how they are progressing in Maths, Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar & Punctuation.


Pupils in Year 6 are also assessed as required by the National Curriculum, using teacher assessments and standardised tests and tasks known as Key Stage 2 SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests). Teacher Assessment takes place throughout the year and the tasks and tests are carried out between April and June. Separate reports on end of Key Stage 2 SAT results are given to parents of Year 6 pupils.  Pupils in Year 4 will also take part in a multiplication test.


Parents who want to know more about Assessment at the end of Key Stage 2 (SATs) are invited to attend the Year 6 Information Evening. Please check the school newsletter for dates.
